Monday, December 13, 2010

Snowflakes - not just for Christmas...

THIS POST IS FROM ROOM REMIX - THE BLOG . Photo Michael Partenio Designer Karin Lidbeck-Brent
I love these first two images from BHG's Special Interest Publication Christmas Ideas magazine. The snowflakes are so pretty tripping up the stairs, and I also like the idea of hanging them from ribbons behind or above the headboard.

The nice thing is that snowflakes aren't just for Christmas (trust me on this one - I live in Minnesota! :-)) so you could keep them up all winter long... Photo Michael Partenio Designer Karin Lidbeck-Brent

Find out how to make the snowflakes here...

You know how it goes with me.  One snowflake idea leads to a few more...

Circle of Snow wreath from Midwest Living... shows you how to make these Screw-Punched Hurricanes and includes the templates.

and these frosted cylinders using glass frosting spray...

I talked about Jen's Snowflake Art on facebook the other day...

Snowflake pillows (free template) via Tip Junkie...

I love a steamy mug of chai or mocha latte, so if someone is trying to figure out a little something to make me for Christmas, these Marshmallow Snowflakes would be awesome! :-)

or these cupcakes in all their chocolately snowflakey fabulousness...
Have you made any snowflakes projects this year or used them in your decorating?